Does sharing the death and resurrection of Jesus with your kids scare you? Death can be a tricky subject to talk about with young kids, but it’s a critical part of Christianity. I have a few suggestions on how to share the Easter story with your kids in an age appropriate way, but here’s the bottom line:
Sin separates us from God. God sent Jesus to Earth to live a perfect life and take the punishment for our sin so that we no longer have to be separated from God. Easter is when we get to celebrate that sacrifice.
That’s it! If you don’t want to talk about death with your young and/or sensitive kids, that’s a great foundation to lay this Easter season. This is NOT the full story but can be used to build upon in the future. Tomorrow I’ll share a few more options to help you build on that foundation. And if you missed my reel on making Resurrection Rolls, check that out for a fun, yummy activity to help bring the Easter story to life!